> Career Quick Start

A quick guide to hacking the job hunt. From finding the right fit to crafting your brand, your journey starts here.
Written by Mark VincentUpdated: October 2024

In this Career Quick Start guide, I’ll show you how I use AI tools like ChatGPT to hack the modern job search, leverage online communities like LinkedIn, and build a personal brand that stands out. The job search process can be overwhelming, but with this map in hand, you’ll be more prepared, efficient, and confident as you take control of your career path.

NOTE: Since the prompts in this guide build on one another, I recommend working through the entire document in one sitting. Grab your favorite caffeinated beverage, put on some music, and get ready to dive in.

Table of Contents

  1. Setup
  2. Step 1: Take Stock of Your Current Materials
  3. Step 2: Target Job Titles
  4. Step 3: Build a Strong Personal Brand
  5. Step 4: Craft Effective Applications
  6. Step 5: Leverage LinkedIn for Outreach
  7. Conclusion


Before getting started, it’s important to gather the right tools to ensure a smooth process. Below is a list of everything you’ll need to follow along with this guide and get the most out of AI, personal branding, and job search strategies:

  1. AI Tool (ChatGPT, OpenAI API, or similar)

    • This will help you refine your materials, generate ideas, and assist with communication drafts.
    • ChatGPT by OpenAI is highly recommended for ease of use.
      • Pay if you Can: I suggest upgrading to a paid version of your AI platform (I use ChatGPT Plus). Even if you cancel your subscription by the end of the day, the included features will be extremely helpful as you proceed.
  2. LinkedIn

    • You'll need an active LinkedIn account for networking, researching companies, and finding key contacts.
    • If you don’t have one yet, sign up for LinkedIn.
      • NOTE: Similarly to paid AI, LinkedIn Premium is extremely helpful to get started. Sign up for a free trial, or pay for a single month to get you started.
  3. Resume & Cover Letter Template

    • You’ll need your current resume and cover letter on hand, or a clean template to start from. These will be refined as you move through the tutorial.
    • Recommended templates: Google Docs Templates, Canva Templates.
  4. Portfolio (Optional)

    • If you're applying for design, tech, or creative roles, have a portfolio site ready to showcase your work. You can easily create one using:
    • If you are a developer, I highly recommend building your portfolio from scratch using tools you're comfortable with.
  5. Local Tools for Document Editing

    • Tools for editing your resume, cover letter, or branding materials:
      • Google Docs or Microsoft Word for document editing.
      • Canva, Figma, or Photoshop for personal branding visuals (LinkedIn cover photos, etc.).
  6. AI Image Generator

    • For generating visuals like LinkedIn/Github cover photos or portfolio images.
    • DALL·E or Canva AI Tools work great.
      • DALL·E is included with ChatGPT Plus.
  7. Online Community Platforms

    • For networking with other professionals in your industry and expanding your reach:
    • For interview prep and collaboration:

Optional (But Helpful) Tools

  • Trello or Notion: For additional task management and note-taking during your job search.
  • Grammarly: To refine and polish all text, from resumes to cover letters and messages.

Step 1: Take Stock of Your Current Materials

Before diving into the job hunt, it’s important to start with what you already have. In this step we'll take stock of your current job search materials, use AI to clean them up, and narrow down your target job titles. From there, we’ll refine your resume and help you craft a personal brand that aligns with the focused career path you want to pursue.

1.1: Assess What You Have

Start by gathering all the key components of your job hunt:

  1. Resume: Is it up-to-date and focused on your most recent experience and skills?

  2. Cover Letters: Do you have any versions saved? Are they generic or targeted?

  3. Portfolio: If applicable, is your portfolio showcasing your best work?

  4. Online Profiles: Is your LinkedIn profile current? What about GitHub or personal websites?

  5. Spend some time reviewing these materials, noting anything that feels outdated or inconsistent.

  6. Make basic updates to include changes to job titles and descriptions (think promotions or recent achievements), and new projects, and make sure all links are active.

  7. Download your resume and cover letter as separate PDFs and store them in a new job hunt directory.

1.2: Begin your AI Conversation

Now that you have your materials together, it’s time to give them a quick refresh using AI.

  1. Open a fresh AI Chat. Be sure to use the most robust model version available to you (it may be slower, but it's worth it).
  2. Next, provide the AI Agent with the initial context that will color the rest of your conversation:

    PROMPT: "I am a JOB TITLE working in INDUSTRY/FIELD/FOCUS AREA looking for new job opportunities. The following requests will be tailored toward molding me into the ideal candidate"

1.3: Make a First Pass Revision

Once you have provided the AI with context, it can help you improve the language in your resume, refine your cover letter, and even suggest better ways to phrase your achievements. DO NOT skip this step, this process will help train the AI on your experience, interests, and tone.

  1. Resume: Paste or Upload your resume into the chat and ask it for suggestions:

    Prompt: “Let's start with a full resume review. Please improve the wording of this resume and focus on clarity and measurable achievements. Be sure to make infrences and expand on points that may be unclear: PASTE RESUME HERE (if unable to upload PDF directly)

  2. Cover Letter: Review your cover letter:

    Prompt: “Based on this resume, make the following cover letter more engaging and tailored to my current skills. Limit to 3 paragraphs and keep a friendly yet professional tone": PASTE COVER LETTER HERE

  3. Return to your source documents and replace the content with the AI generated material above. These will NOT be the final versions but will get us started.

Step 2: Target Job Titles

Now that your materials are part of the conversation, use AI to help identify potential job titles or career paths you may not have considered. AI tools can analyze your resume and suggest roles that align with your experience - this is especially important if you have grown significantly since your last job hunt.

2.1: Explore Opportunities

  1. Request Job Title Suggestions: Feed your updated resume back into ChatGPT and ask for job title recommendations:

Prompt: “Based on everything you know, what job titles should I consider applying for? Be sure to include justification for your recommendations”

  1. Narrow Your List: Choose 2-3 job titles that resonate with your experience and interests.
  2. Be Prepared to Upskill: Make note of any additional skills or qualifications required for those roles.

2.1: Refine Your Resume for a Specific Title

Now that you’ve identified your target job titles, it’s time to tweak your resume to match. AI can help refine your resume for the specific roles you’re interested in, making sure it highlights the most relevant skills and experiences.

NOTE: You should focus on One Job Title for the remainder of this process and return to this step later.

  1. Find The Perfect JD: Search LinkedIn Jobs for examples of the Job Titles you've selected.
  2. Save Your Dream Job: When you've found a role that strongly resonates with you, copy the entire Job Description and save it to a document. You'll be referring to it often.
  3. Tailor Your Resume: Ask AI to help tailor your resume for this specific role:

    Prompt: “Let's adjust my resume to better fit a JOB TITLE position. Use this Job Description as a template for this role. Feel free to do any additional research on this title as well: PASTE JOB DESCRIPTION

  4. Save Your Work: Create a copy of your base resume and save it as a role-specific version. Make any of the suggested changes and download as a fresh PDF.

NOTE: I suggest saving your resume versions as a Google Doc that is Editable by Anyone with the Link. You will never share this link with potential employers, however, you should share widely with anyone who could help you with your search.

Step 3: Build a Strong Personal Brand

Your personal brand is a crucial part of your job search. In this step, we’ll focus on making sure your online presence—especially LinkedIn—reflects who you are and where you want to go. From your LinkedIn profile to your personal website, we’ll cover how to make sure your brand leaves a lasting impression.

NOTE: Your personal brand should align with the job titles and career path you’re targeting. This includes updating your online profiles and making sure everything is consistent across platforms.

3.1: Color Palate

A color palette is a key part of your personal brand that helps create a consistent, professional look across all your materials—whether it’s your resume, LinkedIn profile, personal website, or custom imagery. Using the same colors across your resume, online profiles, and any imagery creates a unified, polished look that makes your brand more memorable.

  1. Pick a Base Color: Start with one main color that fits your industry or style (e.g., blue for tech or green for environmental fields).
  2. Add Accent Colors: Choose 2-3 complementary colors to use for emphasis and contrast.
  3. Test It Out: Apply your palette to your resume, cover letter, and website to ensure everything looks cohesive.

A consistent color palette helps create a strong, recognizable personal brand across all your professional platforms.

3.2: Personal Statement

A personal statement is often the first impression you make on potential employers, recruiters, or network connections. Whether it's on your resume, LinkedIn profile, or personal website, this brief summary gives people a snapshot of who you are, what you do, and why you’re worth their attention. A solid personal statement can make all the difference in setting you apart from other candidates.

  1. Text Generation: Ask ChatGPT to help craft a personal brand statement or bio for your LinkedIn profile or portfolio website:

    Prompt: “Based on everything we've created so far, write a professional bio for social media such as LinkedIn. Keep it brief, clear, and professional while incorporating a friendly tone. Limit to one paragraph. I'd like to include some personal elements as well, implement aspects of my personality from this brain dump where appropriate: LIST SOME PERSONAL INFO ABOUT YOURSELF (this can be very stream of consciousness)

3.3: Brand Imagry

Your Social Media cover photo is an important part of your personal brand. It’s one of the first things people see when they visit your profile, so it should reflect your professional identity while also grabbing attention. Luckily, AI tools can help you create a customized, visually appealing cover photo that makes your profile stand out - trust me, I'm no artist. Here’s how you can use AI to generate one:

  1. Define the Concept and Style: Before generating your cover photo, decide what message or theme you want to convey. For example:

    • Industry Focus: Tech, healthcare, finance, etc.
    • Personal Strengths: Innovation, leadership, teamwork, creativity, etc.
    • Visual Style: Minimalistic, vibrant, professional, or abstract.
  2. Some Important Reminders:

    • Stay professional: Your cover photo should align with your personal and professional identity.
    • Incorporate brand colors: If you have a personal logo or specific brand colors, try to incorporate them for consistency.
    • Keep it clean and simple: Avoid overcrowding the image with too much detail. Simplicity often makes a bigger impact.
  3. Generate the Image: Once you have a clear idea of the concept, you’re ready to start generating. To create your image with DALL·E via ChatGPT Plus:

    1. Go to a DALL·E powered GPT.

    2. Type in a detailed description of the cover photo you want. Be specific about the style, colors, and elements you want to include:

      Prompt: “Generate a futuristic, clean cover photo with a focus on innovation and creativity in the tech industry, featuring sleek geometric shapes and a cool color scheme, implementic aspects of the personal statement paragraph we created earlier. Aspect ratio: 1584 x 396 pixels

    NOTE: Make sure the image is the correct size for LinkedIn: 1584 x 396 pixels. This will assure your image looks good across across platforms.

    1. Hit Generate and review the options. AI may present you with several image choices based on your prompt.
    2. Choose the design that best fits your vision.
  4. Customize and Edit (Optional): If the generated image is almost perfect but needs a few tweaks (like resizing, adding text, or adjusting colors), you can use an editing tool like:

    • Photoshop: To adjust color balance, add filters, or refine details.
    • AI (Of Course): You can also futher refine your images with follow up prompts:

      Prompt: "This looks good, but let's simplfy the image a bit and make the color palate more vibrant"

  5. Download and Upload to Your Profiles: Once you're happy with the final image:

    1. Download the image from the AI generator or your editing tool and save in your job hunt directory.
  6. Finally: Update your LinkedIn profile and any other online platforms to reflect your personal brand.

Step 4: Craft Effective Applications

When applying for jobs, customization is key. Tailoring your resume and cover letter to each specific job can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed by employers. However, this process can be time-consuming. That’s where AI tools, like ChatGPT, come in handy—they can help you quickly customize applications while still ensuring each one is relevant and engaging.

4.1: Write a Targeted Cover Letter

Your cover letter should address why you're a great fit for the specific job you’re applying for. AI can help you draft a cover letter that is personalized and effective:

  1. Prompt AI for a Draft: Provide the job description and ask the AI to draft a cover letter:

    Prompt: "Based on everything you know so far write a cover letter for this JOB TITLE role that highlights my SKILL, SKILL, SKILL... skills. Utilize the job description below as well as the initial cover letter we refined earlier. Limit to 3 paragraphs: PASTE JOB DESCRIPTION HERE"

  2. Review and Personalize: While AI can generate a solid first draft, be sure to read through the cover letter and add personal touches that reflect your unique experience and personality.

4.2: Optimize Applications with Keywords

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter resumes and cover letters before a human ever reads them. AI can help ensure your application includes the right keywords from the job description to pass through these systems:

  1. Request Keyword Optimization: Ask AI to identify important keywords in the job description and suggest where to incorporate them in your resume and cover letter.

    Prompt: "What keywords from this job description should I include in my resume?"

4.3 Go Generic

Even with the help of AI, crafting a new cover letter for each application takes time. A generic cover letter generated from the examples you've given so far can go a long way toward making your hunt more efficient.

  1. Create Genereic Letter: Keep this letter simple but effective.

    Prompt: "Based on the cover letters we've created for this JOB TITLE role, craft a new letter that adheres to the same requirements we've established, but remains generic enough to be easily modified for various companies"

Step 5: Leverage LinkedIn for Outreach

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for building professional relationships, and one of its most powerful uses is identifying people within companies you want to work for. Reaching out to the right contacts can give you insights into company culture, the hiring process, or even help you get your resume in front of the right person. Here's how to use LinkedIn to find and connect with people at companies you're interested in:

5.1: Conduct a Company Search

  1. Look Them Up: In the LinkedIn search bar, type in the name of the company you’re targeting and click on the company’s official page.
  2. Explore the Company Page: Once on the company’s page, you can find useful information like recent job postings, company news, and employee insights. But most importantly, you’ll see a list of people who work there.

5.2: Use the "People" Tab to Find Relevant Contacts

  1. Click the “People” Tab: On the company page, look for a tab labeled “People.” Clicking this will show you a list of current employees.
  2. Filter by Location, Department, or Role: LinkedIn allows you to filter employees based on their location, job role, or department. Use these filters to find relevant contacts—this might include hiring managers, team leads, recruiters, or people in the department you're applying to.
    • If you're looking for a developer role, for instance, try filtering for people in the "Engineering" department or with titles like "Software Engineer" or "Engineering Manager."
  3. Who Is Hiring?: Use the search bar on the "People" page to find individuals who are actively advertizing that they are Hiring. This will also filter for Hiring Managers and Recruiters.

5.3: Identify Mutual Connections

  1. Check Their Profiles: Once you’ve identified potential contacts, click on their profiles to learn more about their role at the company and their career background.
  2. Look for Mutual Connections: If you have any mutual connections, that’s a great opportunity to ask for an introduction, which can increase your chances of a positive response.

5.4: Send Personalized Outreach Messages

In addition to applying through job boards, sending a personalized message to a hiring manager or recruiter can increase your visibility. AI can help you craft a professional and personalized outreach message:

  1. Draft an Outreach Message: Since AI already has everything it needs to know about you AND the job you're applying to ask it to draft a message for you.

    Prompt: "Based on what we've done so far, draft a LinkedIn outreach message to the hiring manager for this role expressing my interest and highlighting my experience."

5.5: Follow Up on Applications

Following up on an application shows initiative, but it’s important to do it professionally. AI can help you craft a polite and effective follow-up email or message.

  1. Craft a Follow-Up Email: Ask AI to help you write a professional follow-up message.

    Prompt: "Write a follow-up email I can send this hiring manager if I dont hear back"


The journey to landing your next role doesn't have to be a long, frustrating process. With AI, a strong personal brand, and the right online communities, you can take control of your job search and make it as efficient as possible.

Good luck, go make it happen, and Happy Hacking!